

Cross Country is a 7th-period class and therefore student-athletes will receive an academic grade. Our hope is that everyone gets an A but in reality, that will not be the case.

Grading for 7th-period cross country class will be based on the following:

  • Attendance for all practices (Monday - Saturday.)
  • Ability to follow team rules and expectations. Positivity and Hard Work are a Must. No Whining!
  • Attitude and effort: Positive attitudes and complete efforts are needed to earn an A grade.
  • Completion of running log daily (
  • Completion of tests (meets) – the expectation is completion of all scheduled meets. We do realize that certain exceptions will be honored such as injuries, funerals, weddings, and emergency situations. If you choose to miss a meet for an unexcused reason you will lose a minimum of half a grade. Please note there are times when coaches will choose not to run an athlete at a meet which will not count against the athlete.
  • Improvement throughout the season.
  • Completion of the season: Quitting or being dismissed for disciplinary reasons equals an automatic F grade for the class.
  • Extra credit through volunteering efforts may be offered throughout the season.

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