Strength & Mobility - Exercises

Strength, Injury Prevention & Mobility Exercises

Ventura High School Distance

Supplemental Strength, Injury Prevention, and Mobility Exercises

Prepared by Coach Karisa Curtis

Please read the purpose and protocols of these workouts at before continuing. We feel these workouts help develop athletes rather than "just runners", improving efficiency and lessening the chance of injury.

K-Kore Max

We perform this everyday except meet days and rotate between the three different routines listed below (K-Kore Max 1, K-Kore Max 2, and K-Kore Max 3.)

  • Weeks 1-4 20 on 10 off
  • Weeks 5-8 30 on 10 off
  • Weeks 9-12. 30 on 5 off
  • Weeks 13-16. 35 on 10 off
  • Weeks 17-21. 40 on 5 off

K-Kore Max 1

Durations listed above.

2 Rounds of:

  1. Flutter Kicks
  2. Russian Twists
  3. Pushups
  4. Swimmers
  5. Plank Lateral Hops
  6. Low Plank Hip Drops

K-Kore Max 2

Durations listed above.

2 Rounds of:

  1. High Plank Quick Spider
  2. Low Plank Front Taps
  3. V Ups
  4. Side Plank Hip Drops
  5. Switch
  6. Bicycle

K-Kore Max 3

Durations listed above.

2 Rounds of:

  1. Toes to Sky Toe Reaches
  2. Seated Bicycle
  3. Bear Crawl Shoulder Taps
  4. High Plank Jumping Lunges
  5. Supermans
  6. Mountain Climbers
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