Summer Training

Summer Training

Build The Foundation To Go Big

A Great Summer Leads to a Great Season

Please use the FinalSurge App

We use as our training plan software and athlete training log.

Athletes can view their daily training on their FinalSurge calendar and are responsible to know what their workout is for the day along with their training paces.

All athletes are required to log daily.

 - Fill in the completes section

 - Fill in how you felt and perceived effort.

 - If you have a gps watch you can sync it with FinalSurge (most brands.)

Summer Training

Official Summer Practice starts Monday, July 8th and will be Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 8am - 10am.

However in order to be ready for summer practices student-athletes should be training now. We will set student-athletes up with a training plan on FinalSurge.

In general we want to be doing easy-moderate running and finishing most runs with strides which are ~100 meters or 20 - 25 seconds of faster paced running followed by ~100 meters or 45 - 60 seconds of easy paced jogging. In regards to "how much" running it depends on what you are used to. For those who did youth track our guess would be starting out at ~3 miles three days a week with post run strides and then a 4 - 5 mile "long run." But again it really depends on what you have been doing (that may too much for some athletes and not enough for others. Our more experienced runners will be running ~7 - 12 miles a day, 6 days a week but they spent years building up so their bodies can handle that training load without getting hurt or overly fatigued.

If we could emphasize one word over the summer it would be CONSISTENCY.

If we could emphasize a second word it would be FUN.

The more you run on a regular basis the better you will be. And try to find ways to keep it fun. Run in different places. Run with friends. After special runs give yourself a little reward.

Try to run on soft surface (grass, dirt) as much as possible.

Try to do a mixture of hills and flat surfaces. Arroyo Verde is an amazing place to do this...Mix grass loops (flat) with dirt loops (hilly.) Hills make you strong and a lot of our courses have hills...we want our student-athletes to feel confident on hills and know they can crush it.

Daily Core Workout

This is to be completed right after you finish your run.

Focus on proper form: Belly button to spine, slight tuck of the pelvis, bring shoulder blades down your back, strong glutes and legs. In high plank, shoulders are over wrists. In low plank, shoulders are over elbows. When on your back, keep lower back flat to the ground. Modify when necessary.

30 seconds per working interval/ 5-7 seconds rest. (Recommend App: Interval Timer)


1. Arms Overhead (Or at Sides) Flutter Kicks

2. Hands Behind Head Knees at 90 Crunch and Tap Feet/ Feet Stay on Ground

3. Penguins

4. Elevated Crunch

5. High Plank Arm March / High Plank

6. On Stomach Y’s to W’s (Elbows to Ribcage)

7. Low Plank Spider / Low Plank

8. On Stomach Swimmers (Lifting Hand and Leg)

9. Low Left Side Plank Hip Drops

10. Low Left Side Plank Upper Hand Behind Head and Rotate Elbow to Ground / Low Side Plank

11. Low Right Side Plank Hip Drops/ Low Side Plank

12. Low Right Side Plank Upper Hand Behind

Head and Rotate Elbow to Ground / Low Side Plank

Run Supplemental - Strength Training

SSS1 #1 (Performed Entire Summer)

Summer Strength Stage 1 Workout #1

Perform 1-2 x's/week

This easy workout is designed to prevent injury, strengthen hips and glutes, and improve performance. It is to be done immediately following your run and core workouts *Requires mini band

One Round:

1. Right Side Low Plank Banded Clamshells: 20 and work up to 30

2. Right Side Low Plank Banded Lateral Leg Raises (Hips Forward, Lifting Leg up and Slightly Back, Using Glute): 20 and work up to 30

3. Switch Sides and Repeat Clamshells and Leg Raises

4. Banded Donkey Kicks (Tabletop Position): 15-20 each Leg

5.Banded Glute Bridges (On Back, Hip Lifts): 20

6. Monster Walks (Band around Feet): 20 each Side

Run Supplemental - Strength Training

SSS1 #2 (Performed Entire Summer)

Summer Strength Stage 1 Workout #2

Perform 1 -2 x's/ week

This easy workout is designed to prevent injury, introduce upper and lower body strength, and improve performance. It is to be done immediately following your run and core workouts.

One Round:

1. Calf Raises 20/ Side and Work up to 30 (and Possibly off a Step)

2. Tibialis Raises (Shins) 20 working up to 30

Repeat 1 and 2

3. 20 Pushups

4. 30 Tricep Dips off a Chair or Bench

VHS XC Supplemental Work

Strength, core work, and injury prevention are a part of our XC program. 

All together, the routines aim to build strength, power, and range of motion to bulletproof the body to perform at its best in running.


Studies show that competitive distance runners who engage in strength training significantly improve running economy (oxygen and energy use) without muscle bulking, and improve time trial performance and sprint speed.

Besides increasing the strength of muscles, joints, and connective tissue, strength training improves coordination and power. This helps athletes exert less energy to hit and maintain a certain pace by recruiting more fatigue-resistant muscle fibers.

Core work improves stability, minimizes wasteful movements, reduces muscle and joint strain, and improves force production and breath mechanics.

Our injury prevention (prehab) work focuses on reducing the risk of common injuries such as shin splints, knee pain, plantar fasciitis, and hip/groin pain, and improving overall performance.

Summer Strength

  • Consists of daily core work and strength sessions 2-3x a week. 
  • Begins with light injury prevention work and progresses into more traditional strength. In theory, there could be supplemental sessions 4-5x a week if the kids maintain their injury prevention work alongside strength workouts.
  • Stage 1 injury prevention routines will be the first two weeks (June 17 -30).
  • Stage 2 will take up July. The focus is single-limb work to correct imbalances, increase coordination, build muscular endurance, and prioritize injury prevention.
  • Stage 3 continues to build upon foundational strength, Increasing weight, and intro to power.
  • Meant to be able to be done at home with minimal equipment. 

Home Equipment:

  • Light - Moderate Mini Band /  Dicks, Target or Amazon:
  • Dumbbells - Ideally, Light, Moderate, and Heavy. Ex. (5 lb, 8 lb, and 10 lb) or (8 lb, 10 lb, and 12-15 lb) / Dicks, Target, Play it Again Sports
  • Step or Bench
  • Chair
  • Wall (for wall sits)
  • Timer App for Phone: In App Store - Interval Timer

Basic Summer Nutrition

The two main goals of fueling for performance are to optimize energy and promote recovery. 

Energy - there is a sweet spot. It is crucial to take in enough calories and nutrients to support training, but don’t want to overdo junk/empty calories that could become a substitute for more nutritious foods. 

Recovery - eating the right things (quality protein and carbs) at the right time (within 30 minutes of training) helps your muscles recover and adapt, allowing you to train hard earlier and faster next time around.

Use this summer to establish good habits:

  • Eat 5 to 6 nutritious meals a day. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack.
  • Eat protein at every meal.
  • Eat whole foods and limit processed foods as often as possible.
  • Especially when it’s hot out, incorporate hydrating foods like watermelon, cucumber, strawberries, leafy greens, and melon into your diet.
  • Drink 75% of your body weight in ounces of water daily. Add electrolytes if you’re sweating a lot. Don’t leave the house without a water bottle
  • Get involved in the process and take some responsibility for what you’re deciding to fuel your body with - go shopping with your parents, get in the kitchen, make a new recipe.

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